“Entering Wyoming”

01 19 35
DVD capture - Chapter 14, 01 19 35
Contributed photo

Brokeback pilgrims have long sought to see, and experience first-hand, the landscapes and scenery that so profoundly inspired the story and the film they treasure. Here you will find a collection of Wyoming places that have strong Brokeback ties. Some are quite specific, while others are merely suggestive of locations which stimulated the creative energies of those who told the Brokeback story in words and on film.

Note: Despite claims published on various websites that parts of Brokeback were filmed in locations other than Alberta, Canada, to the best of our knowledge no one has ever published photographic evidence in support of these claims. The only scene that was filmed in another location is the “Juarez Skyline,” which is in La Mesilla, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Please select a location

from the thumbnails at left.



  Revised 05 October 2012